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Cleansing the Blood

Blood — this transportation system organism, feeds information to each cell. The circulatory system very much depends on it. If one violates any of its functions, dis-balance occurs in  microcirculation in the tissues, dehydration is developed in the tissues, as well oxygen starvation.
Erythrocytes should be smooth, and of a particular size. What transpires during changing the size and shape of erythrocytes, is a bonding action, in the so-called «bollards coins», which is in line with emerging blood sugar crystals, uric acid, and cholesterol. The cells, which are burnt with acid, become inflamed or even vanish.

Purifying Blood.

Remove the information from the morning urine (daily urine must be fresh) or from somnolent or radial artery. In the 2nd mode, place the crystal tablet over a glass of urine for 1 minute.

Then detach the crystal tablet from the wire, and place it to any blood vessel (somnolent or radial artery). For approximately 6 to 8 hours.

Duration: 1 weeks. In serious cases, use for an additional 10 days.