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Cleansing Lymph

The lymph nodes function as an immunologic filter for the bodily fluid known as lymph. Lymph nodes are found throughout the body, and are composed mainly of T-cells, B-cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. The lymph nodes drain fluid from most of our tissues. Antigens are filtered out of the lymph, in the lymph node, before returning the lymph to the bloodstream. In a similar fashion as the spleen, the macrophages and dendritic cells that capture antigens present these foreign materials to T-Cells and B-cells, consequently initiating an immune response.

Initial stage of Cleansing the Lymph Vessel:

First, remove the information from the morning urine (daily urine must be fresh) or from somnolent or radial artery. In the 2nd Program place the crystal tablet over a glass of urine for 1 minute.

Duration: 1 weeks.  In serious cases, use for an additional 10 days.

Second stage of Cleansing Lymph Vessel:

*In the 2nd Program place the crystal tablet and apply over a blood vessel for 1 minute.

*Then detach the crystal tablet from the wire and place it on any Lymph Vessel. For approximately 6 — 8 hours. 

Duration: 1 weeks. In serious cases, use for an additional 10 days.

Together with it  in 3st mode apply place the crystal tablet and apply to the Lymph Vessel, for 5 minutes, on each point shown on the picture. 

Duration: 7- 10 days.