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Cleansing of the genitourinary system

Each night, about two thousand liters of blood, pass through the kidney, which is filtered and then concentrated as urine. Thus, urine is concentrated blood plasma. Thus, almost all of the information contained in the blood, can be located in urine.

First, remove the information from the morning urine (daily urine must be new). 

In the 2nd Program (FRI-Therapy) place the tablet over a glass of urine for one minute.

Then detach the crystal tablet from the wire, and then attach it to the glass or bottle that you have prepped the structured water for about 3 to 5 minutes. 

Drink the water throughout the day.

Duration: for more or less healthy person 7-10 days that urine became pure there are enough. If the person elderly or the seriously ill patient, is better to carry out this stage during two — three weeks.
It is necessary to remember that water stores information no more than 1 days. Next day only about 40% of initial information remain.

Control method: subjective — visually to define color of urine, its smell, existence of flakes, a transparence, and it is possible to make analyses.