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«Quick» cleaning

On pages of our website it is much told about need of careful implementation of the program of full detoxicating. This program is rather labor-consuming, demands methodicalness and a regularity of carrying out. Besides, on time it is rather long.

Unfortunately, modern pace of life not always allows to carry out regularly full detoxicating that makes almost impossible effective carrying out all other programs. In this regard the program of cleaning which duration only 10 days was developed.

1. In 1st mode to put a red emitter on a carotid on the right for 2 minutes. At the left — for 2 minutes. Each next day to add on 1 minute up to 5 minutes at the left and 5 minutes on the right.

2. In 1st mode to put a green emitter on the right subclavial zone for 5 minutes. Each next day to add on 1 minute up to 10 min.

3. In 1st mode  to put a yellow emitter on area of a liver and gall bladder and we move it on these areas of 5 min. Each next day to add on 1 minute up to 10 min.

The essence of this program is to destroy dioxins and some other substances harmful to our body.
Use the «quick cleaning» program before carrying out the program of complete detoxification. It gives intensifying of effect, facilitates courses of detoxicating and reduces terms of carrying out each of stages of the program of full detoxicating.